About Me
My Work

In this picture, I am attending a recruiting Job Fair at the local college I am aiming as a future employer. These event were great for meeting students and networking

As a benefit to working in student recruiting, I get to take a ride in our vehicles once per year. Hopefully we will be able to continue this treat when the world is safe again.

Another picture of a time I was able to ride with students in our vehicles.

As a part of a small team, we worked together to create a full-day training event for over 400 employees. The teamwork and organization involved in one day was unbelievable.
My Kids

My two children keep me occupied when I am not working and not in school. As you can see, they are both wearing skates. I have a strong desire to ensure my Canadian children grow up with 3 skills: to skate, to swim, and to catch a ball.
My Alma Maters
I have been lucky to be able to enhance my education over the years, especially because of the tuition assistance my workplace offers. I usually can't sit dormant for too long before I sign myself up for another 4 year school endeavour.

I am Canadian! I am born, raised, and currently live within a 15 km radius. I love the beach and water of Lake Erie, which I visit almost daily in the summer. I love being Canadian and wear the maple leaf with pride!