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Spring 2017


Training & Professional Development

Professor:  Dr. William Arnold

Of all the courses I was able to take, my first course was the most relevant to my current circumstances.  As an employee working in HR environment, I had often participated in training and development on both the receiver and the provider sides.  This course was able to show me further in-depth knowledge of designing and evaluating training.  I love the portion of the course requiring me to interview a training representative where I work.  This interview helped with my understanding of the role within the organization.  I see the importance of training & professional development in my workplace, but moreso after this educational course.

Summer 2017


Concepts Educational Inquiry

Professor:  Steven Weiland

This course was very enlightening as an opener to my Master of Education.  I learned about the history of education through several amazing books and a great film.  I enjoyed watching a film I would never have chosen myself. I explored concepts such as historical, biological, psychological, philosophical and ethnographic concepts.  I enjoyed discussing with my classmates the roots and evolutions of education.

Fall 2017


Creativity in Teaching and Learning

Professor:  Candace Marcotte / Dr. Carmen Richardson

True to it's name, this course was an amazing journey through creativity.  The course encouraged classmates to create sparks of genius with individualize notebooks.  I worked through abstract activities, modeling, embodied thinking, and many activities to push creativity in my personal and professional life.  My favourite part of the course was the requirement to define creativity and learning the difference between classmates definitions.

Spring 2018


Teaching in Postsecondary Education

Professor:  Dr. John Dirkx

My future goal related to education involves teaching in a postsecondary institution, so I was excited for this course.  The first assignment involved interviewing a teacher, which I found a difficult task that brought me closer with people at my local college.  The course helped me understand teaching philosophies, planning courses, assessments of planning, and improvement of my teaching.  

Summer 2018


Adult Career Development

Professor:  Dr. Steven Weiland

The Adult Career Development course was a welcome change to the typical content in many of the courses I have taken so far.  The focus was redirected from education within the classroom and moved towards developing a career in every aspect of life.  The course covered topics including theories of career stages.  I loved the contents of the novel written by Dr. Ofri and her journey through career development in medicine.

Spring 2019


Adult Learning

Professor:  Riyad Shahjahan

Once again I was ecstatic that this course aligned with my future goals of teaching young adults in a college setting.  The course helped me distinguish between formal and informal learning.  I gained a better understand of historical, theoretical, and social foundations of adult learning.

Summer 2019


Psychology of Classroom Discipline

Professor:  Dr. Jana Aupperlee

As a psychology student in undergrad, I found myself really enjoying this class.  there was a lot of focus on classroom management and methods to ensure control is obtained and maintained in the classroom.  We focused on designing seating in the classroom and making accommodations for students who require extra support.

Spring 2020


Program Planning and Evaluation in Postsecondary Contexts

Professor:  Dr. Emiko Blalock

Throughout the entirety of this course, it was a great learning curve for my understanding of program planning.  I have been blissfully unaware of the process, philosophy, thoughts, and skills for designing a course.  Since my goal is to work in a postsecondary context, this course was directly related to my future plans.  I will use the knowledge of the input from college colleagues as I move forward in planning HR courses at a postsecodnary institution.

Summer 2020


Leadership & Organizational Development

Professor:  BetsAnn Smith

This course was an immense eye-opener for leadership within my organization.  Although the focus of the course was leadership within an educational setting, the information in the course is helpful in all aspects of leadership.  The focus on case analysis and the multitudes of type of leaders was an interesting part of the course.  The outlining of roles and responsibilities of leadership and assessments of leadership capabilities will be knowledge I carry with me throughout my entire career.

Spring 2021


Capstone Seminar

Professor:  Dr. Matthew Koehler

Hooray!  The finale!  I am excited to finally make it to the finish line of my course and to cap it off with website creation to showcase my skills.  I know this website will be helpful in my future career search and upon completion, I will add this website to my resume.

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